Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Obama trial .... you turn on the magic magician??

To notice what is happening Botoar trial Rachid Nini know that those who masterminded the night and plotted in the dark for the tomb of his voice spam and demands accountability of the corrupt names, caught in the evil of their actions and what they did topple them, Vdvaa Nene will no longer looking for provisional release or innocence of the charges detailed by the prosecution General of the Nene, the discourse on the piece obsolete and lapsed, the defense has asked to bring those who prosecutors said that Rashid lied to them in the articles adopted as an instrument of charge, as stated by the lawyer Sufyani (why now considered the prosecution that the rational lies except when he began to reveal the corruption of Elan and Nikri especially director detained Temara Abdul Latif Alhmoshe, and why did not require the prosecution Nene when breaks the performance of Abbas El Fassi and his family and many, and asked Defense Is detainee Temara Festival and balances have become holy more than God and the homeland and the King ???), from watching the trial in historical and the judge finds good Jaber himself in trouble from his command that the accounts are no longer benefit him in the case of the more protracted the more its brilliance, and worse, even the representative of the right-General, Mr. Rachid Mohamed Little Signs of confusion on his face as long as he wants to hide behind the laughter lock her back once he receives it receives from lessons and sermons in the law, honor, and the Secretariat of the senior lawyers present within the constellation defender Nene, the issue has become confusing to those who created it and became out of them such as passing sentenced him to life in a patent or a royal pardon, the names insists the defense for the presence of the certificate as long as prosecutors pursue rational criminal law and criminal law necessary to bring witnesses who saw the prosecution that they are affected by the writing Rashid, here stand the Court's position enabled her speeches calling for the fact that the Moroccan judiciary independent and Log in to view what its resolutions, here's the test succeeds the elimination or humiliated, here put defense issue a ruling in our country in its own bottle, despite the quirks expressed by the representative of the public right of using all its powers to adjust the case according to temperament, defend with all his energies show apoptosis unrivaled of the need to bring witnesses .. And are not any witnesses in the State such as Morocco, where corruption hits prevail in all walks of life, is not a common thing to bring those witnesses who were, until recently, the mere mention of their name is one of the taboos and also said a lawyer in the case, (I thank God mM Machdic I mention these names to appear between Oitbekm Mr. Judge), to Nikri Inspector General of the Forces assistance from Almthmben fabricating bombings May 16, 2003, Abdul Latif Alhmoshe the first man in a Aldezti and others .... despite the fact that prosecutors have created an argument against the need to attend because they oversee the sensitive files by virtue of their positions, but .. that is replaced by the expression Their presence as citizens, witnesses Aintqs the sensitivity of their positions, and how he wants the representative of the general right to fear the people in state institutions, according to what he said as fair, Venzahtha emerge from here, when he attends the witnesses the case who mentioned the defense then all will give the greeting of the judiciary, and we will say Morocco has achieved the same as a true democracy ... Is Nene key issue for the fall of the capital have blossomed and the time picked?? Will he be able Engoa the night of the arrest of Nene to get out of this issue safely?? Is Nene was arrested immediately after the bombing of a cafe in Marrakech Argana coincidental, or there was apprehension among those who issued the arrest warrant against Nene questioning in the attacks in his column?? How will the fiery end of this file at this particular time and the movement of February 20 moving with determination to escalate, and the store also heading the same direction?? Of the victorious People's Voice or sound corruption??? Everybody is waiting and days to wait until ...

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