Thursday, April 7, 2011

Facebook Secrets – The Facebook Secrets To Success

I would like to share some of my Facebook Secrets with you. Facebook is a great way to market your business. This site has exploded in growth during the last couple of years and is currently the Newest Internet Super Power. With more than 2.5 billion searches every month, that’s correct I said “billion”, and more than 600 million users, its no wonder so many people are on Facebook trying to market their business. With this kind of traffic it’s a really smart move for you to have some sort of presence there to help maximize your efforts. Additionally, this site currently offers some of the cheapest and most targeted PPC advertising you might ever find, also it probably will never be this cheap again.

With a few of these Facebook Secrets, you will discover some techniques that will help you target the proper people. When people join a company they are told to go to Facebook to promote their new business. They join groups, add a bunch of friends and just start posting their links talking about how wonderful their opportunity is or the unbelievable compensation plan their company provides. This hardly ever works. People are on this site to socialize. They don’t like to be bombarded with people sending them links about joining their opportunity. On Facebook they call this SPAMMING and people do not like it. You have to know how to locate people that are actually interested in what you have to offer.

Attracting your prospects with these Facebook Secrets can help you become much more targeted in your efforts.

You should begin by attracting people to you. You want to let them know about you personally. Start with your profile and let people know about what you like to do. Upload a few pictures of you, your family and friends. Posting a link to your site or blog is okay, just do not post a lot of links to opportunities you are trying to get somebody to join. Update your status on a regular basis to let people know what you have been doing. Try to talk about what is going on in your life personally and professionally. Once you do this you’ll start to attract people and get more friend requests.

Another one of my Facebook Secrets is to try to target friends which have the same interests that you do. You should not just add friends for the sole purpose of getting a lot of friends. Furthermore, whenever you make a friend request and that person accepts, you should not send them a link to join your opportunity. I see this happen so many times and people don’t like it. Work on getting to know them more and begin building a relationship with them. Seek feedback and try to find out if they are needing any help with whatever they are doing. There are so many people on Facebook attempting to market their business and not having very much success. Always offer value.

One more of my Facebook Secrets is generating free leads. You’ll want to start by trying to find groups which are in your niche. Try to find groups that have 100 members or more and join them. Find some of the most active members. The ones which are very active in the group and have posted recently. Read their post and comment on it. It will let them know you really did read it and send them a friend request. If they accept, ask them how things are going and seek feedback. Don’t send them a link for your opportunity at this time. Start creating a relationship and earn their trust. If you always offer value people will naturally want to know what you are doing and will be more likely to want to join you.

These are just some of my Facebook Secrets . Just remember, Facebook is a Social Networking Website. Utilize it to connect with new people in your target market. You’ll need to try to add friends from groups associated with network marketing. Connect with them and ask how their business is going. Determine if they are struggling and share some of the issues you are having too. You will always have people attempting to force their opportunity on you, but you will discover that a lot of them will want help. Learn more about them and offer them something of value. Facebook is growing fast and you should be using it to maximize your success.


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