Saturday, July 2, 2011

Google+ To Compete With Facebook

Google is taking another shot at social networking with its limited release of Google+. This new service provides you with an interesting way of connecting with your friends and acquaintances. What the company did is take the best features of Facebook and Twitter and add their own ideas in creating Google+.

The service is available for selected people only since it is still in its beta phase. If you want to try it out you have to ask someone who has access to the service so that you could create your account. I was lucky enough to get an invite and tried it out for a spin.

Once I was able to access my Google+ account I immediately noticed that it is different from Google Buzz or Google Wave. What makes this social network unique is that you will be able to immediately categorize your contacts into different Circles. Whatever content you want to share can be limited to specific Circles.

One feature that is useful is the Hangout feature. You can start a Hangout and can invite up to ten people to video chat with. Make sure to have your webcam ready if you want to use this feature.

Although there are still some bugs in Google+ it already looks like it will be a popular service.


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