Saturday, July 2, 2011

Google Swiffy Converts Flash Into HTML5

Google Labs launches a new tool called Swiffy that can convert Flash files into HTML5 so that it could be viewed on devices that are not capable of Flash. SWF files are run through the converter that splits it into a JSON file. Then it renders the file with HTML, Scalable Vector Graphics, and Cascading Style Sheets. The converted files are slightly larger than the original Flash file but it renders smoothly in HTML5.

 Google Swiffy

Adobe has a similar tool called Wallaby, which it launched earlier this year. It converts the FLA-format files into JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS. The tool was designed for developers to port ads for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, and other devices that didn't have Flash capabilities.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs said that his company has no intentions of incorporating Flash into any of its devices that run on iOS. He added that Flash was created during the PC era. At today's mobile era, new open standards are created, such as HTML5.

Adobe responded to apple's challenge by creating tools for HTML5. It has already released a HTML5 update to the Dreamweaver software and introduced CSS Regions to its WebKit browser engine program. It would also launch Edge, a tool that allows designers to create animated web page elements with standard web technologies.


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