Saturday, July 2, 2011

Google Unveils Google+ Social Network

Google announced its new Google+ social network, which is currently by invite only. Reports from those who got into the field test say that it's a social network for geeks. It has several options that let the user share, protect, hide and discover photos, videos, friends, posts, and more.

It has several features that could confuse those who are used to Facebook's minimalist approach. Its Circles feature lets the user add friends. The Hangout is a group video chat feature. Google+ lets its users upload unlimited amount of video and photos through its Google+ Mobile.

Sadly, Google's field test of its Google+ network suffered from overcapacity that is reported to be a regular occurrence during this part of its testing. There were also complaints of poor design and alpha glitches.

If you're lucky enough to get an invite for Google+, you'll notice a +Mark on the black bar on top of your screen when you're in a Google web site. When you click it, you'll enter Google+. You'll find four icons on top of the screen, which as Home, Photos, Profile and Circles.

Google+ is the latest attempt by the search engine giant on social networking which in the past gave us Google Wave and Google Buzz

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